Tuesday, April 15, 2008

nor.flah: We Like Shirts.

My friend Kristen and I are really into the idea of collaborating with each other in our art... therefore we decided to create "nor.flah." a company that will sell shirts really cool shirts...
it's exciting.
here are some pictures we took today!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I Found the Key to the Castle.

Tonight we had a picnic in the castle here in Ballyvaughan, it twas amazing!!!
Gina and I got here early enough to find the key to the castle and open it up!!!

Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan, County Clare Ireland.
flickr it or something.
that's where we ate.
now i'm off to do my irish studies essay!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Soon to Touch American Soil for the First Time this Year.

so... my design didn't win for the show... but the one under this post in the earlier blog wasn't even my final design... i'll probably post that later... the blinking design above this post is a banner i made for a friend's radio show's myspace... I plan to make more of these in the future to work on design skills and everything...

i'm working on painting an installation in my show...
i'm working on preparing to come home back to the states where the economy is horrible.
it'd be nice if we could do something about that!!!
bring the celtic tiger to america! (i think that's what brought ireland it's wealth) haha
but you don't really need monitary wealth when you have a family like mine.
and i'm def. thankful for them.

PEACE PEACE PEACE is what we need right now!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

End of Semester, Fatiqued.

So today I spent basically all of my time having ups and downs of energy b/c I've been cleaning out my studio and painting over the wall that I thought was a grand idea to write words all over it in black acrylic paint haha!  But that's okay because it looked cool while it lasted.  Only two more words are showing up through the white paint that I painted over for about 2 hours today. haha... but it is a BEAUTIFUL DAY BRILLIANT QUITE BRILLIANT!!!  I think I may have gotten a little bit of sunburn from sitting outside for a bit... that's a new one for here in the land of Eire... quite a new thing to see sun for a long period of time here!  Then tonight I'm going to walk to town and buy my last loaf of bread and my last jar of peanut butter and some of my last quarts of milk!  It's bittersweet... I've learned a ton... and I think I'm at the point where I'm ready to go home.  My art has changed a ton, and so has my idea and way of looking at art.  I'm happy about what I've learned and I can't wait to use it this summer and for the rest of my life!!!  I also can't wait to have an art supply store somewhat near where I live hahaha, but that's just a matter of convienience (sorry for any spelling errors).

After going to town to get groceries I get to truck it back home to watch my favourite Australian soap opera (yes aussie soaps) called Home and Away.  SUCH A BRILLIANT SHOW!!! I'm probably going to have to rent or buy the dvd's later haha (i'm a dork) oh well.

everyone LOVE LOVE LOVE.