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Don't fret! It's not as bad as it sounds. There was a tad bit of blood but I'm great!So today, Tuesday, "Tuna Tuesday" as Meech and I have declared!!! So I'm going to have tuna for dinner. I really enjoy writing a blog. And sometimes I want to write like 23048320 a day but I try to keep it all in one. So here's the dealio:I'm about to do some typography homework.SUPER STOKED ABOUT CRASH ON THURSDAY (InterVarsity Event)AND SEEING MY MUM!IMAGING! I've got some of that homework to do.HEY ALL RICHMOND PEEPS!you should check out THERICHMONDSCENE.COM it's an up and coming site to help out local musicians, artists, etc!!! CHECK IT OUT! BECOME A MEMBER FOR FREE!!!FREE!!!haha
I'm super blessed with great friends, family, and just being able to do art for the world, life, etc.Illustration or Graphic Design? THAT IS THE QUESTION! So... could I just call it Gillustraphic Design and start a new movement?Perhaps.xoxo SYKESKID.

Laughter filled us all as we greeted one another once more! Only two of us who came to the reunion were from different schools than the other of the masses haha... 5 students from MICA (in baltimore) 2 students from Hartford art school, one from... well I don't know Olga's university... hahah and the new kid from VCU!The drive to Baltimore, Maryland wasn't all that long... I mean I sang at the top of my lungs haha so that was fun!Then I saw BEKI! AND AMBER! yay! So Beki helped navigate me to BETHLEHEM! (Penn.)On the way I spotted SCRANTON! (for office fans)AND HERSHEY! (for Erica Hef.)And then I got a sore throat from singing really loud with Beki and Amber. HAHA.It was super foggy and hard to drive through once we made it to Bethlehem where miss ELIZABETH L. lives!!!I'm being lazy so all in all HAD A LOT OF LAUGHS, ATE A LOT OF FOOD, TALKED ABOUT IRELAND, LAUGHED, LAUGHED SOME MORE, ATE SOME MORE, CELTIC FESTIVAL, CRAZY HAIR, EMILY BOUGHT A BUNNY, MORE FOOD, was a great weekend.sorry I can't write it all here and now,
xoxo sykeKID whatupplayaplayah.
So right now I'm about to start working on some more photoshop stuff that is due tomorrow morning before my Design Tech class... although it is very intricate and time-consuming I'm learning a lot in this class... I "tink" at least... And then after class tomorrow I'm hitting up Pennsylvania to see my IRELAND 2K8 FRIENDS!!! This shall be an interesting weekend and it's crazy how time has flown by b/c I haven't seen any of my Burren friends since the day we left each other about 5/6 months ago!... on another note: for some reason there is something pushing on my heart right now and I can't seem to know what this burden is. I know if I just pray and be patient all will be better but right now it's just kind of pushing on me. I don't know if any of y'all have had that feeling of just knowing something is off, but not being able to pinpoint that problem... maybe I'm just worried about something... I really should not be worried. Tonight we learned a little about a sick woman touching Jesus and being healed... amazing. I mean the fact that God, the person who made me, wants to know me for me is just a brilliant feeling. He talked to the sick woman, which many of the society around her would not even utter a word to her. God's love is so pure and deep. I want to love like this. I want to live like this. If I have ever hurt you in any way (world out there) I hope you can forgive me because all I want to do is love. it is 11:11 as I glance at the clock so I am going to go finish up my work and then hopefully have a peaceful night of sleep. xoxo sykeskid.
oh so fly. BAHAHA.sooooooooooooooo.I wish tonight was IV...but patience is a virtue miss carra! I need to go to bed but I just thought I would type a tad (haha that's cute)Today was kind of long but sometimes that's a good thing. Last night I fell asleep when I was cleaning my room so today I finished up cleaning. First I went to Design Methods/Processes and then to my favourite class History of Visual Communication! I got to register to vote in V.A. b/c apparently I can b/c I have an address here! That's kind of exciting... I'm starting to forget I'm not in N.C... which is weird because that's where I have lived practically all my life... Thanks to Ireland last semester, the transition of living somewhere different has been a lot easier... I am still so SO OH SO very excited about the friendships and familyness that's happening here in Richmond. I love all the people I've met through IV Christian Fellowship. All happens for a reason!!!Currently listening to some Rocket Summer:"You are the star that's in my sky... I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE."
So it's Tuesday. 2's Day. I guess the number 2 get's a whole day every week. That's pretty crazy! Well one Tuesday a Polarbear jumped on the ice and there was an ICEBREAKER!hahahahatoo funnyanyways... I woke up kind of earlier this morning and I've been doing some work for my Design Methods and Processes class... I'm not the biggest fan of that class right now but I'm going to try not to be a debbie downer. I just have to be a positive pam!Here is an interesting video I enjoyed watching b/c it made me laugh and it was during a time of procrastinating:
So basically I had a pretty bangin' weekend at Chapter Retreat with my family from InterVarsity from VCU! (go rams!) hahaha.God has def. blessed me with meeting these wonderful people who now I know are my brothers and sisters in the big man! Let's see... it's all come so fast, I've met many wonderful people through going to IV and I'm super stoked to just keep getting to know them and just learning more and more about God and how awesome life with Jesus and God is! A TO THE AWESOME.anyways.Laughed a lotPrayed a lotLoved a lotLearned a lotMy heart smiled a lot.oh man oh man.good times good times.xoxo.tehehe.i can't really describe how the weekend truly was so I'm just leaving you with my quiet time buddy Griz, short for Grizwaldo. (the tiny lizard chillen on my Beeblay and notetakingbook.)
This is my current design for a shirt on threadless... called "biking goggles" hehe
Hey.It's Sunday night, I just ate some Bagel Bites. They were great. Reminded me of when Drew (my brother) and I would get stoked about eating bagel bites and watching some awesome kid movie. Man those were great times...This past weekend I traveled to Raleighwood North Carolina and saw many many friends. It makes me miss them more, but I'm blessed to have had the little time I did to see them. They are awesome!I also got to see my FAMILY! This made me super happy because everyone but the dog and kitchen sink came to see me!!! I got to eat lunch and just hang out with them for a short bit at the Meredith Soccer Game. GO ANGELS! We won, by the way... Haha.First night I got to spend the night with my roomie, Katie the cutie. We didn't get to hang out as much as I wanted to but Katie, Amy, Anne and I went to our fav. Chinese food place and that was super. Later that night I went to some art galleries with my friend Heather... we had an interesting time... too much to write to describe that time we had! Then the next night I got to spend the night at one of my BFF's apartment, Lo! Lauren to most people, but Lo to me.We had an interesting morning, which consited of a lot of laughter and random times... too much to write right now haha because the three hour drive has left me super tired.I got a tattoo this past thursday.Cheers,SykesKid.
So... I never thought I would actually write, type, or say those words; the words that I have chosen to use as my title to this post.I'm sitting on the couch with the T.V. providing me with wonderful background noise. I'm reminded of my times in Ireland because of the background of my computer is the lovely Orchard House. I'm super stoked because our reunion is this month! I haven't seen any of my friends from Ireland for a little under FIVE MONTHS. I can't believe it has been that long. It's crazy!!!Design Technology:This is what I will be working on tonight.Using handcrafted things and mixing that with using technology.I must go now.have a lovely evening.PS: this day marks a special day.xoxo sykeskid. DUH.