Monday, January 28, 2008

Ballyvaughannah (and friends)

So I am going to do two posts in one day because it took me a while to update...

I'm going to talk about my BCA friends... behind their backs... but this is the good kind of talking behind their backs... if there is such thing as that...

let's see:

Joshua (oshgoshbyjosh): he's wonderful and we have starring contests that always end in laughter. He has inspired me to make as much clothing as possible when I get back to the states. I enjoy being his friend, tons. GIGGLEBOX
Elizabeth (Eliza of Beth): she's pretty rad at photography and makes amazing mini houses. I like those little houses. If i was a little person, which I am, I would totally live in one and climb the latters. She's my roomie here in Eire. I always love my roomies (shout out to Katie and Mags)
Beki (Beki in the House): her and I enjoy everyday laughing fits. She is so intriguing (spelling?). Pretty much always rocks plaid which makes my heart smile like awesomely.
Hannah (Ballyhannah): She's blonde and from Minnesota... I like to say Minnysoda, it's more fun that way. Although her tough appearance may fool little people like me, she's actually secretly a sweetie. (As people say in the south, "she's a sweetie pie.") Also, she is sometimes called Hannah Montanna... and her name spelled backwards is the same... and she has a diamond stud on her tooth. xhardxcorex (too much to write, apparently i'm going to MCAD next year).
Noah (Soccah Playah in Orange hat): he's always videographing life, it's pretty cool. He had a short film about the Holidays and it was really funny and well made with Christmas paper and all! He's sitting next to me right now. Wearing his orange hat. He has a "football" jersey, for the Celtic Football Team
Raychel (80's Dance lover): pretty much breaks it down just as much as I do. I'm sure we will have an advanced 80's dance party in the near future. She is currently sitting across from me in the BCA computer lab. Raychel spells her name really cool and one interesting fact: doesn't know what the word y'all means. (I secretly think she's lying) ;). She's got a huge comptuer that we watch movies on. Right right right on!
Dan (Sir Daniel O'connell): Dan knows everything there is to know about cameras. It's pretty much like for camera knowledge when you chat with him. He has a wonderful laugh and awesome vans (the shoes). Yay dan!
Hillary (Sassafrass): She is so sassy. And when she says y'all she can snap it like a southerner... Y'ALL. She makes wicked sweet photograms that look like a graphic designer... but really she's a painter. I was happy to hang out with her In dubs with my Limerick palz.
Morgan (Molicious): she's my studio-mate. Unfortunately we never seem to be in the studio at the same time. But when we are you will be sure to hear the word BETCH haha... don't worry, it's not a bad word, just a fun one today. Giggles. One day we will both dawn our purple shirts. Because we are cool. She calls me a loser but secretly she thinks i'm the coolest kid around. 19 years of cool.
Tyler (TYYYYYYYLER): Tyler is pretty much a sweet-hearted guy. He lives in Orchard with me and 10 other peeps. He likes copier machines and eating pasta. He is super good at technology stuffz. It's pretty much cool. ROCK ON.
Trevor (TrevmistaH): He makes me giggle. I like his beard and white pants. We had a heart to heart the other night, drawing in silence. Art brings the world together man! ;) no but seriously... drawing sketch parties rock my world, yo.
Max (Maxwell's House or Maxtastic): Max and I have almost the same black pants. We wear them often, and often we wear them without knowing we are twins. It's pretty neat stuff. He has a cool faux-hawk'd. I'm typing a lot.
Gina (Gina-Katrina-Lena): I pick on her a lot. I must like her or something. Haha, no, I'm nice to her. She always cooks nice meals, and eats them. I watch and wish I could eat what she cooks. Yum.
Katrina (Trina calls me friend): Katrina gave me a sweet nickname. Because my name in Irish is friend... I guess that's why... MUAHHAHAHA. I keep writing less... it's not b/c i don't like these people it's because i'm getting tired and my attention span is short.
Sam (Next big Comic Book thing): She's so good at making comic book drawRings. She actually drew me in one of her comics. My first comic-book debut.
Annie (Annie are you Okay?, Are you okay Annie?): she's so cute and has curly hair! We got stuck in dubs together and I enjoy her company. Her drawings are so delicate and some of them are funny as well as cute. I like the drawings she does of the Burren/Clare houses.
Kristen (Hey Kristen): I always awkwardly say hello to her. It's hilarioussssssss and she rides her bike a lot. I heard she's the next Lance Armstrong. She's got dank tattoos. And a really cool nose piercing. Pretty much.
Franz (Coolest Style Award): He has really nice clothes and cardigans. I love when the Cafe ladies say his name FRANNNNNNNNNZ. So wonderful. And he's a great dancer.
Harris (Cool Hair(ris)): Harris has enjoyable hair. He also wears nice clothes and glasses. He's a wonderful painter and I really enjoy seeing all the canvas in his stood.
Drew (Drewby): He has a giant sloth painted in his stood. He's an illustrator and is in my Photo class. He's got great ideas and an enjoyable personality. Blue Door represent!
Shelby (Shelbakins): I probably spelled her nickname twice in two different ways. I enjoy spending time with Shelby. She's got a unique personality... and I feel like she gives great hugs, even if she doesn't enjoy hugs. Perhaps the hand hug will save her. More time to spend with shelbikins would be nice.
Emily (Emily Lilly): Emily has amazing tattoos. She got one in the Dubs and it's enjoyable. It's got a pirate ship and lighting bolts, the best of both worlds. SWEET. Her ears are gaudged as well. Andddddddd she has awesome amber colored eyes. She stayed in the sketch hostel as well...
Lena (Bena): she's in photo as well, but not with me. I like to say her name and I like to tell her about the sisterhood of the traveling pants b/c there was a girl named lena in it. good story.
Olga (Bolga): She's got that 20's chick vibe, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure she is from the 20's and took a time travel machine over here. She is really good at life drawing. One day I will be that good. We fell at set dancing when I was her partner. I was forced to be the boy. DANG IT.
Lindsay (Lindz): Pretty much is so motivated about being active in life. She has causes and that's great. One day she will do great things... she probs already has... I need to have one-on-one time with her drinking tea or something.
Amber (A Sharp): She's got beats like non-other (like me in middle school)... she's amazing at painting, and I hope to learn from her... we are the "youngin's"
Thane (Thaniel): he's a great dancer and I enjoy it when he does the turtle dancE SO COOL!
i hope to get to know him better as well... he likes NC so that's cool yo.

too much typing too much. i'm done... for now.

After typing all this I feel like this is a dating website... haha "he/she likes long walks on the beach"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all the nicknames they are cute!! whats my nickname? awesome? hahahaha