So this past weekend was AY-MAZING! It started out with the weekly Irish Studies trip with Gordon D'Arcy, the smartest man alive. We went to this amazing place on a mountain that looked like a runway from America's Next Top Model. Then I headed to Galway with my Irish friend Laura and my new friend Zoe (with two dots above the e). It was nice to be the only American around for the trip to Galway, kind of weird as well haha. We went to go see this band called Jape, AWESOME! The show was at the Warwick which is a hotel in Galway. Before Jape we headed to the hotel which Laura won on the radio... so we didn't have to sleep in a hostel or at a random person's house haha. Then we went to the show and the opening act was Fight like Apes. They were super randomly cool... the lead singer was a girl and she had brilliant style... And then we danced danced danced. The lead singer of Fight like Apes came down and danced with us during Jape's show. It was almost of reminder of the States, like when I go to some shows. Then after the shows we went to like 3 indie dance clubs and danced for hours! I had such a great time just breaking it down like I always end up doing... true true true story loves... then we went shopping during the day and ate some good food...
the bus ride home wasn't that great... I almost got sick and stuffz.
SUNDAY! So, today we actually went to a Point to Point race which is a horse race thing... it was insane to actually see a horse race, in ireland. I've never seen a horse race and it was a super sweet experience... a horse did fall over though... I almost cried b/c I thought they may have to kill it b/c it was hurt... but then it got up and phew my heart was so happy at that point (to point)... the jockeys had awesome uniforms. They totally inspired me more and more about my clothes making which is going to happen when I arrive back in the states...
rewind to Saturday night... when I got back from galway I watched Garden State with some of my friends here in the Burren. I got up from the movie (when it was finished) and had an amazing 40 mins of silence sitting in my room just thinking about my life and how it's going to be when I get back to the states and how I'm living now... it just was wonderful to actually have that time to think and relax... I'm stoked b/c there are many things I am going to do when I get back home... this is one of my homes now as well... b/c I'm comfortable here... but I do still have a piece of me at home... my family, friends, and those passerbys. I hope that everyone back in the States are having an amazing time there at school, home, etc. Remember "If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like." (Garden State)
1 comment:
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like." (Garden State)
Today was a great day, as our family was together for a while...!!!
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