Hey this is Sykeskid coming to you from the good ol' North Cakalacki! Oh my dearest home state how I long to get some weekend rest... haha, what?! Anyways... I drove through where I was born today, that was pretty cool. Durham County Hospital yeah!!!
I have poison ivy or something on my wrist. It itches and I wish it would go away... I put that pink calamine lotion on and I hope it works out... Tomorrow I will go to a football game, my first and probably last of the year!!! hahaha, but this doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching the ol' pigskin get thrown around and crazy hail mary plays! Right now it's almost tomorrow so I'm probs going to actually try to get some z's, unlike my lack of z catching this week... man, I really haven't been sleeping enough lately... but I have been able to see people I love, and that makes up for the lack of sleep. God's pushing on my heart this weekend to reach out to people, and I really really pray that I am bold... sleep time...
i love all you rva-ers.
and all you gee-boro-ers.
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