God's love is just shooting down in the form of sunshine and beautiful friendships!!! :)
I'm stoked about many things :)!!!
I'm not really going to make a list of it b/c they are all in my heart and yay!
It's def. going to be a filled week but I'm excited!!! I have many design projects for both school and people I told I would do some work for... all I have to say is GODSPEED!!! :) I get to see my family soon!!! Well, kind of!!!
I haven't been to my house since August so this should be nice to smell it again! I miss the smell of my house... well actually it's interesting b/c you don't realize your house has a smell until you begin to miss it and you get the chance to go back and have that smell remembered again!
This past Friday was pretty ROCKING AT RIHOP! I made a spoken mistake after a great night of dancing with God...but that patch is getting healed and I'm blessed to have that healing. THIS FRIDAY IS EXCITING. THIS THURSDAY AND WED. ARE EXCITING!!!
work work work.
I'm off to a show downtown for THE RICHMOND SCENE DOT COM.
Thanks be to You.
where are you going to church at?
or are you
or whattt?
Tonight was exciting :]]]]]]
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