(this is how i felt after this past week)
So yesterday was really really nice :). I got to go to church with Michelle and actually I've been able to see tha goober more and more these past few days, even if it doesn't seem like much time I think it's pretty cool... we drove to Harvest and parked and giggled on the way at a few things... as well as the night before there was a Tacky Christmas party at her house where more than a few times I got tickle attacked... which we all thought I was the one doing it the most but as these days approach I think people are poking my armpits more than I ever have! hahahah
Well then at church Mel came with the kids she was babysitting which let me tell you they are precious SO PRESH. I just want to pick them up and love them just keep loving them like crazy!
gahhhhh they are cute. I'm blessed b/c I got to spend some time with them which makes me so excited for when God blesses me with kids. But that time is not near hahah, I will be patient!!! I got to go see a cute movie, which I cried in b/c it was so cute!!!
This is a scattered blog but I'm just writing whateverrrrr...
Um I ate a burger, which it has been TWO YEARS since I've had one... my stomach seemed to handle it well!!! And it was pretty tastey! Yums.
Had breakfast for din dins, anddddd then went to prayer where we pulled up Melissa via skype chat... which was super cool b/c God blessed us with her guitar playing... perhaps one day I will be able to fill in when Mel can't make it to prayer... I pray that He blesses me with music playing so I can just keep praising Him in the music form... I feel a little bit of a calling for that but it's one of those things that I just have to keep praying for boldness because when we aren't naturally good at something it's easy to just stop and go for something we are naturally good at... all my friends here that play instruments inspire me... I loiyke (british accent) to watch michelle play the djembe (spelling?) and Melwren play guitar with passion and Joni is so great at teaching me chords and and and Johnny's voice, I really enjoy it... and Hannah G's voice during worship and and Alana, the way she sings for Him is encouraging and makes me just want to sing sing sing sing and Jennifer her voice is so cute, and anddddd Alicia I want to hear her play her violin anddd I want to hear more of Sara's voice, b/c God has placed her in the Music department now and Bible, I love when she plays the keyboard and man just everyone in fact I'm just going to go ahead and say EVERYONE here inspires me to want to play guitar more and more and practicing singing and worship!
PS: ahhhhh HOW COULD I FORGET PATRICK?! I love when he sings when Mel is playing guitar!!!! cheers mel for pointing that out!
man i love being blessed with living in RVA.
cheers God.
xoxo Carra
i loove you
and your posts
you make me happy :]
You forgot Patrick.
foscrous: Man these kids were so foscrous and crazy today.
PS. Man God has been speaking to me SO much through chilren this past week. Like deep revelation, I need to write it all down because it's so hard for me to digest. Anywhos.
Hamburgers are pretty good! Glad you are working on your music. sorry Dad and I didn't provide you with music genes but glad your friends will help with that! See you Thursday!
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