Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to the 804?

Welp, winter break is coming to an end... although I still have about a week until the late night art runs and times begin...

Tomorrow I begin my journey back to that wonderful city called Richmond. I've missed you, you silly silly city! haha... well actually I've really missed the people AND the place... there are times of exploring in RVA that bring new roads of inspiration to my life and my art. Why I took to Richmond so quickly: Well, it took me in, and when I say it, I mean the amazing people that I've met so far and those I'm excited to meet... They accepted me a quick as I don't even know what... God's love was AND is so abundent there, through the people and the memories that have and are happening. I'm blessed to have moved there, and it was all kind of on a whim... but when I say on a whim, I really mean God wanted me there, He keeps me safe, looks after me, makes sure I'm full of joy and obediant at the same time.

And you know what? I love that. I love every second that I'm able to soak Him in and just get to know the little special things about RVA. Moving to Richmond has become a new path for me and has inspired me further to have the motivation to love others with the eyes of Christ. I've been pushed more and more to want to help out To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA). God is calling me to help. I'VE GOT TO, I JUST HAVE TO... it's something that I think about all the time, PEOPLE HAVE TO HEAR ABOUT HIS LOVE!

I had a friend last night ask me to tell them a little about my spiritual walk and stuff... I told her I'm so excited to talk to her about why I choose to be a certain way... we haven't talked yet, but she is hopefully coming up to RVA in the near future and I just pray that God gives me the words to say, because sometimes I have a hard time expressing through words... but maybe I don't... maybe I don't give God's confidence in me enough credit...

This break I've played guitar almost everyday. This passion for playing music has been stirred up and I'm excited to just continue it... I'm doing the drawing a day thing too... and hopefully soon I'll be finished with my uncle's book.

I can breath it in, I can feel it right now as I type these very letters, God's love is just bursting around me and stirring something up in my family. I may not know it now or even later, but I know something is going on... and I'm just going to leave this at, I've learned a lot about myself over this break. Well, everyday I learn more and more how to love people. Striving and striving to live and love like Jesus. It's a beautiful thing.

Be calm, Carra. Restful... "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7.

I will miss Greensboro. Mostly because my mom, dad, drew, and maia live here. Also, it's where I spent a ton of my life, and I get home-cooked meals. haha ;)... but really, I've truly had a blessed winter break, and could not have spent it any other way. Because I spent it this way, and that's how it was and how it's going to be! Thank you Jesus for teaching me what I've learned... and other things that I don't even realized I've learned.

I love my family.
I love my friends.
But most of all I love my Creator for bringing me where I am, and where I am going.



Melissa said...


Can you even IMAGINE what this semester is going to be like. I mean last semester was amazing and we didn't even know each other for half of it!! Haha. Can't wait to sleep in your bed. And pet your cats [I know they aren't actually yours..]. And maybe watch an episode of SNL or 30 Rock here and there. And just share in the love of the Lord.. share music, dreams, pearls of wisdom from our quiet times!!! Ahhh. The list goes on. See you soon deary. I'm still in poe-dunk-ville, USA.

Marti Sykes said...

It's been such a great holiday. We have had some fun times together as we always do! I am blessed to have you as my daughter.

Anonymous said...

I want to second what Melissa wrote: Can you even IMAGINE what this semester is going to be like?

Seriously, I know that God is gonna have a throw down of heaven this semester. And I can't wait to share it yet again with you guyssss!

And I want to agree with Carra's mom =). I'm blessed to have you as my carra, Carra. ;D

Alicia Garcia said...

God's cool. I feel so blessed in richmond to know people like I do. I can't wait to see you, I can't wait to share stories of the Lord with you.