Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The Not So Thirteenth.

When I was younger I used to be afraid of Friday the Thirteenths... in fact the number thirteen even creeped me out. But this started to fade when I found out my mumsy was born on a Friday the Thirteenth blank years ago TODAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! (haha, sometimes yah just gotta say it like that) And then the superstition completely faded when I gave my life to Christ. Why should a Friday that happens to fall on the thirteenth be scary? Now, movies like Freaky Friday and stuff those are nice and fun haha... but yeah cheers Jesus for wiping away the "Friday the Thirteenth" fear!

On this day I am rejoicing! My mom and her brother were born blank years ago haha ;) mah, yah ain't that old hehe!!! I LOVE YOU!


Not only is today a great birthday but it is also TWLOHA DAY! So friends, today if you feel led, write the word "love" on your arms to support the love movement!!!

I'm just going to put this out here, God has really been putting people on my heart lately... the people who TWLOHA reaches out to... and the Lord has soften'd my heart and I just get emotional thinking and talking and praying about it all... I've always been the kid who crys rarely in front of people, and mostly while watching movies, but tears have been welling up lately when I'm thinking, praying, and just hoping for ALL THE CHAINS OF DEPRESSION AND DEATH TO BE BROKEN!



YesNoMaybeSo said...

I am also praying for the chains of depression to be broken. The Lord will truly deliver greatness to those in need! About Ephesians 6, Psalm 18:2-3 is also helpful in armoring ourselves in God! I'm sure you already know this verse hahah much love sister!

Marti Sykes said...

Thank you for the wonderful birthday shout outs! It's been a great day, except I didn't get to see my daugther. But talking to you was great and just knowing you are happy in Richmond, makes me happy!

YesNoMaybeSo said...

"i feel myself becoming more and more of a fool for Christ, it's taking me bit by bit, and it's not always easy... it should be because of what we are given, but i still lean on my own strength...

i pray for our generation to get rid of our own "strengths" and lean completely on the Lord, for this is the ONLY way we will be strong!!! In Him there is FREEDOM!! makes me want to run to a mountain and yell freedom and just hug the Lord haha :) man, what a beautiful beautiful maker!"

I relate to you when it comes to becoming more of a fool for Christ. It's crazy, because the emotion created from that leap of faith are indescribable. But I think we'd both agree that it contains a bit of fear, anxiousness, excitement, and a little doubt on the side that is to be rid of. Like you said, I sometimes want to lean on my own strength, my own ways that naturally could travel away from my foundation of strength He's provided me. But this is part of the battle, and the part where we have to almost spiritually "wrestle with God" to recieve some answers in order to ensure our faith. It's all a challenge! And it's a gift!

The idea of our generation leaning completely on God gives me the goosebumps! Good goosebumps ofcourse! Wow, I can only imagine (baha not referring to the song) how different the country we live in would be, and more importantly the STARVING AND DISEASED regions of the world. God's love will save! The day He returns and shows our small world that He is the mighty Lord will be a gracious day!!!!!

YesNoMaybeSo said...

And I'm praying about your songwriting!! He WILL give you strength! Hopefully you will be posting the song on here? haha