Tuesday, March 31, 2009


(edit: i wrote this after making a stencil poster thing for my imaging class)

each cut i make in this stencil i pray goes to the good fight.

get the word out, get it out.
busy days bundle up, and taunt us.

potential present, potential pondering, potential.
all in, or all out.
i'd like to strive for all in kind of life.

i don't want to be offended!
You are my rescuer and know me dirty and clean.
when You come i want to be ready.

how does one get ready?
prepare me.
humble me, NOW. please.

[working on a poster project taking a short break to write some stuff down. blessed to be living with two of my sisters next year :), can't wait to jam on the guitar for the Lord like everyday and minute of free time! and keyboard, and uke, and harmonica!]

slay me Lord.

1 comment:

YesNoMaybeSo said...

It's so rad that you are getting into playing music. I believe that music has been the greatest form of expression in my life! God gives us these art forms to better discover ourselves, afterall. :D
