Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bike to Richmond.

i tink i meeeean back to RVA.


creation. beautiful. it's beautiful.

i love biking, laying in grass, looking at the sky.


i enjoy cooking, going to melwren's room and picking on her, eating tacos, seeing loboynton, galaxy diner, random times, pushing daisies (the show).


ready to cook some din din!
perhaps i'll cook for you one day!

" 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

[Psalm 51:10]

good stuff. yup. it's food for the soul!


Marti Sykes said...

Hope the tacos were GOOD! Have a great day!

sara_helene said...

Lying in the grass and looking at the sky with you = a pretty awesome beginning to the summer <3