Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Methods and Processes Coat of Arms.

So right now I'm working on a project for methods and processes. Basically we had to go out and find 10 objects around campus, study them, and then create a shirt out of them...

This is what I found:
  1. Heineken Beer Cap
  2. Silver Beer Cap
  3. Camel Cigarette
  4. Black Cigarette
  5. No Drinking Bracelet
  6. Little Caesars Napkin
  7. Pollak Flyer
  8. Job Flyer
  9. Grape Cigarello Cover
  10. Cigar Paper
I'm thinking about developing a family crest out of elements inspired by these objects... when we are born we are born to a family name... we are able to break free from that or be conformed by that... I want to create a crest inspired by drinking, smoking, and an unhealthy lifestyle, but I want to photograph this shirt on a character who is straight-edge in order to express how we can break free from how are families are, if the life is a negative and unhealthy one... I don't know how much this makes sense but I'm still developing the story...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I really like that idea! You are such an artist. :D