Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Monday!

So it's Monday night and I'm just back to blogging a little bit... last night was really nice. I had time to relax and just think about life.

I got to talk to most of my family, not my dad, but I hope I'll get a chance to at some point.

Being back in Richmond begins the excitement and anxiety of starting classes. I'm super stoked to start designing and stuff, but I'm just anxious to meet people. It will be nice to have some school friends :)

Biking, is so fun here. There are so many people on bikes and it's just nice to see that... I do drive a jeep but I ride my bike more often than drive my jeep, at least when I'm here in the city. Tomorrow I'm hoping to head to "Short Pump" or whatever it is... check out the Urban Outfitters, to see how it rivals that of Raleigh/Durham and NYC... I'm not sure if many can rival those of NYC but we shall see haha.

I'm in the process of getting together ideas to have a benefit concert and I'm hoping to get in touch with Jamie from the non profit organization that has just taken my heart these days.

here is a random picture:

xoxo SykesKid coming to yah from Richmond.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Grace Street Kitten.

This is Chester, Brandon's kitten. He is so freaking cute and photogenic! Maria is keeping him and Jesse, another kitty while he is away...