Saturday, December 15, 2007


Memories. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Hopefully most will be playing on the good side... or even that of greatness. As the countdown to Ireland nears 0 days or more like single digit days to go... my heart flutters with excitement of adventure and newness. I love meeting people, putting a smile on their face, or just flat out making them laugh. I look at what I have had here in the States, and I know that I have been more than blessed with an amazing time here... but I think it's time for me to get away for a couple of months in order to appreciate what I have here even more than I should already. Sometimes there are days that drag you down, you just have to be tough. Being tough is not always easy because everyone is vunerable at times, and these times can tear us so easily... like a napkin from that fast-food joint you swore you would never return to but find yourself lingering every weekend. But this is not talk about napkins this is talk about people. I love people, but (there's always a but), some moments aren't always as grand as you hope those moments to be... but I must always remember, everything will be okay and that the big man will keep me safe. I want my heart to smile. I want everyone's heart to smile. Therefore, go forward today, be tough, but let your heart soffen and be gental to those around you... you never know exactly what someone is going through, so remember to take time to step into their shoes as they should try yours on as well.

Cheers and be merry for it is almost "happy Christmas" time :)

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