Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Busy Busy.

I'm busy but I don't feel rushed. I've got two major projects due tomorrow and I'm only half-way done with both... but I feel like it's okay and I'll get them done. Thanks God for keeping me calm!!! :) Today I got to share my block city project with the class... there were only 6 out of 54 chosen to show what we had... I explained how I see things as patterns rather than exactly what they actually are and my prof actually really enjoyed my project... he said it had a sense of optimism, which I really want to be a part of the characteristics of my art. I love being optimistic because I know that God will provide all so why not be positive? Right on Jesus!

Last night I stayed up til 3 finishing up my city sketches that I needed to get done for Methods and Processes... thanks be to Him that I have a wonderful sister that came over and spent the night which helped me stay up and finish my work... people are so cute when they fall asleep. So peaceful and at rest, chillen with God in a field of grass, beautiful. Man, I'm super blessed to be surrounded by beautiful souls here... God has cleaned us and made us pure, and we have become beautiful because He makes us that way!!! So brillers :)

Right now I'm sitting in Temple waiting for my history class to start... it starts at 3:30... I'm hoping it will be enjoyable today. I lost my helmet for a good 15 mins in the library... I looked down when I was in student commons and realized that I was missing something, then I pushed my brain to remember where I left it... right by all the magazines in the brary! what a goober, that I am. I feel calm... although my eye is constantly twitching. I want to see twilight again... I'm making a trip to short pump soon to switch out my charger and perhaps get a winter coat... I'm still rocking my favourite hoodie, "Rescue," my To Write Love on Her Arms hoodie that is really thin and not warm at all! haha.

Thanks to my mom I have some Pumpkin Spice Coffee that I drank with Melwren last night after a beautiful night at Chi Alpha worship at the commonwealth chapel, it was pretty dank :) in a good way if you know what I mean, jellybean, teen, queen. ENOUGH! Love :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So um two things.. when are we _____ again?

1. watching Twilight
2. drinking pumpkin spice coffee

code word of the day: pyrillc