Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Like Cute.

So here's the deal. I'm sitting here on my carpet in my home that I grew up in and my sister Melissa is cracking up about something I can't write about here on "tha bloggah." My sister Michelle is sitting on a "Cara" chair... that's what they are called, not even spelled like my name, I know it's crazy, right?! And she doesn't even know! Haha... wishing Jonsi could have made it, but it's all good in the hood. Really, I'm actually wearing a hoodie... that just so happens to have a hood!

I really enjoy the fact that we can all just sit in each others presence... which reminds me of another relationship that I have... hmm... God. Like just acknowledging that He is just chilling and knowing that He is there when you are in a room... just makes things comfortable... like for example we are just here and know that we are all in the room so we don't feel lonely right? So by knowing that God is in the room chilling with you when you feel lonely can totally take away that lonliness and I find that extra special... another special thing that God does, which He does way too much to even begin to breathe a blog about him even think a blog about Him... yes anyways I like what Lane had said about the small things being some of God's greatest gifts... it's soooooooooo true!!! I love when He points out things through my day that make me giggle or make my heart smile or just any thought that is clean and nice. yes... sigh. a good one, a good sigh...

Yesterday Laneyard came and so graciously fixed Cleo, my bike... she had a flat... it was rather sad!!! But it's all good b/c Lane has a way with bikes, he just knows them... or makes me think he knows them haha. Anyways bike shop in the future... :)

My brother... about Drew. I haven't really had the chance to see him even though I've been back since Thursday night. I'm waiting for some great Bro/Sis bonding time.

Today. Today was def. a God shining bright like the sun kind of day... well at least the first part!!! Mel took me and Michelle to the Grimsley parking lot to learn how do drive a stick shift, which apparently I'm pretty decent at, surpised by this, I totally am! We had such a great time just taking photographs, in fact, they were pretty cool!!! Some of the photographs were jumping ones, which are always super dooper cool... it was like we were being lifted up... we all need to be lifted up. Life brings us down sometimes but it's so comforting to know that no matter what God "pick(s) us up and turn us around and He PLACES OUR FEET ON SOLID GROUND," and solid ground sound like a great thing... a lot went on today. More than I can write. I'm learning more and more about playing guitar and learning to sing and stuff... I really feel an urge to just play play play and praise praise praise. I'm being encouraged, but I still hear the negative voices in the back of my head... I know these aren't mine so I try try try to take those away and think positively and just remind myself it's for the Lord, and yes.

As the day winds down, I got super tired and my mind couldn't focus on anything... it was really weird. I was asked what I was thinking about and I couldn't even figure that out! Oh well, I think this week is going to be brillers. I can't wait to take a day to ride my bike by myself and just take the time to soak some stuff in... This is really really really long... sorry. well I'm not b/c it's nice to write it out...

my mom is super cute b/c she got us gifts... this really reflected God b/c it's just like WHOA, there are presents on the couch... why are those there? That's a super surprise!!! He gives us stuff at the most unexpected times... it's like He always has a surprise party planned for us, but the surprise is never ruined!!! :)

that makes me smile. I like the winter time. I like the cold weather that just makes people nostalgic and want to warm each other up... it's cute. And I like cute things.


Melissa said...

I don't want to go home.


I had a shinj-dig time at your place with your beautiful family in your beautiful home in your beautiful hometown. Thanks so much. Seriously. I am going to miss you like crrrazy over break. We will have to have skype dates.

Oh, I typed in the secret word wrong.. New word... emolonsi

I feel emolonsi now that I have to go home.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm cute! You like me! =DDD hahah Oh man! I'm glad I can comment on your blog!! haha

Yeah, I really do love your family! Your mom is so awesome [I hope she's reading this! haha <3 don't worry, I'm not trying butter up, I'm telling the truth!!] Your family had been such a blessing while we visited youuu!! And thank you Carra, and Melissa, for being so very understanding and really awesome listeners and encouragers for me this weekend!

I loved the praying together too. ahh! =DDD

Man I love you Carra and Melissa, and Melissa and Carra! <3

Melissa said...

MY SECRET WORD IS EXORTING!!!! And I read that right after reading Michelle's comment. So cool. She is such a good exorter.

Marti Sykes said...

It was great having Melissa and Michelle here for a few days! I am so happy that Carra has found such true friends, or as Carra likes to say, Sisters! Come back anytime!